Hot Lunch

I admit I have had some wonderful mornings where I have been able to get up, do my yoga, drink my hot tea and spend some quiet time reading my Bible, just me, myself and God. Then I’ll make breakfast for the kids like scrambled eggs, pancakes or French toast and we have a great start to the day. I feel happy, content and proud that I can send Monkey off to school with a delicious breakfast as well as packing him a healthy lunch. I’ll make sure I have something packed from all food groups, only whole grains used and as close to all organic as possible.  It makes me feel like I am that mom I have always wanted to be…..then I have mornings like today where I literally have to roll out of bed because my 37 week pregnant body can’t sit up and putting on pants is beyond a struggle and should be considered an Olympic sport.

This morning I rushed to shower, woke Monkey up so he could shower and realized I had 20 minutes to pack up a load of laundry to wash at my in-laws (you know because I just decided I never want my washer and dryer back in my house) get Boogie ready, pack everything up and leave. So I do what any normal, running out of time mom does:

Me: “It’s pizza day at school, do you want pizza for lunch?”

Monkey: “Sure.”

Me: “Breakfast at school too?”

Monkey: “Sure.”

Me: “Cool. Here’s $5.00 to put into your lunch account…let’s go.”

And off we went. Oh did I add that today is also a mascara, chapstick and glasses type day for me? Yeah no effort put into my face at all and I scarfed down a McDonald’s breakfast sandwich and coke quicker than you can blink. It’s one of those days where I just don’t give a crap and you know what? I actually don’t care.

I find myself obsessing at times at trying to strive to be this mom I idolize. The mom who has a perfectly picked up home, meals planned out and home cooked meals for her family, healthy and delicious lunches instead of “who knows that they put in the beef nachos” hot lunch at school. The mom who gets up before the butt crack of dawn to drink her coffee (or in my case, tea) read her Bible or book of her choosing, maybe work out or relax before the kids get up. IDEALLY I would love to be that. But I am learning, that I am not always that and that’s okay. Is it easy to accept that? Nope. But is my family still happy and alive? Absolutely.

So it’s nice to have goals, but make them realistic. Make them obtainable. And don’t push yourself beyond what you can handle. And I say that as I still try to learn how to do that and try to seek out God’s guidance and wisdom in this crazy life I live. Which I also know will only become more of a challenge once my little nugget gets here in 13 days. But I am coming to find….I wouldn’t want it any other way.